A personal message from the candidate:
As a social worker, I’ve worked with many vulnerable youth and families over the years. I've seen firsthand how mental health ties into academic success. Because I am a social worker, you should know that makes me a very different kind of candidate. Every single day of my 25-year career has been spent almost entirely sitting and listening to people tell me all about their issues, problems, and challenges and then trying to find solutions to make a difference in their lives. Social Work is a career devoted to serving and helping others. As a candidate I intend to serve you in the same way. I am not running for school board for me; I'm running for you. I hope to earn your vote on April 1st.
- Christy Codner
About our Campaign
About the Candidate
I am a proud resident of Appleton and was born and raised in Neenah, WI. I graduated from Neenah High School in '94 and have a BS in Social Work and Psychology from UW-Madison and MSW from UW-Green Bay. I am licensed in the State of WI as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and employed full time at Theda Care At Work Employee Assistance Program as a Mental Health Counselor. I have committed my life to helping make a difference in people's lives.
Core Issues
As School Board Member, I'll be focusing on the following core issues: promoting positive emotional wellbeing of students and teachers, supporting diversity and inclusivity, and advocating for collaboration and shared decision-making responsibilities with parents, educators, students and the public. Please check out my Issues page on this website to learn more ISSUES.
I'll Keep Money Out of Local Politics Too & Make a REAL Difference
Instead of asking the public for monetary donations to my campaign, I am using my campaign platform to spread awareness about my favorite charity, Donors Choose, a nonprofit organization that will help fund teachers and classrooms in the area. Even the smallest donation will help make a difference. Check out my Donate page to learn how you can donate to this cause. Donate
I'll Keep things Non-Partisan
My campaign is committed to keeping partisanship and money out of local politics. I am an Independent which means I will not be accepting any financial assistance from the Democrat or Republican Party. This also means I will be campaigning at a significant disadvantage from my opponents. I am hoping I can overcome that with community involvement and grassroots support. Contact
The Stakes are High
This election is about more than just a seat on the school board – it's about the future of our community. The decisions of our current school board will impact the lives of students, teachers, and families in Appleton for years to come. Whether you are a parent with a student in the district, a teacher or school professional, a concerned community member like myself - every single one of us deserves to be heard and have a seat at the table where school board decisions are being made.
Let's Get to Work!
I need your support to make this campaign a success. If my mission is in line with yours, I hope you will consider joining my team! Please contact me at info@votechristycodner.com to learn how to get involved or to request regular updates on my campaign. Contact